Supported Hardware

The labscript suite supports a range of commercial and open-source hardware, and is modular by design. Adding support for new devices involves writing Python functions for a well-defined set of primitives to program instructions, and transition between buffered I/O and manual states. See the documentation for more details on adding new devices.

Below is a list of devices that are directly supported by the labscript suite via labscript-devices. Hardware on this list do not constitute an endorsement.


Some research labs maintain support for other devices not included in this list. See 3rd party devices in the labscript-devices documenation.

The Monash labs where the labscript suite was initially developed have used an Adnaco PCI/PCIe fiber expansion system, which allows devices to be located close to the experiment independently from the control PC (which can reside, for example, in a different room) without introducing ground loops.

Custom Developed Hardware