Community Resources

This page contains a list of general resources developed by the community. A separate list of 3rd-party device repositories is maintained in the labscript-devices documentation.

These resources are not specifically developed or maintained by the labscript-suite development team. They have been graciously provided by community members for the benefit of other labscript-suite users in the hope they may be useful. Please direct any questions to their respective owners.

If you have something you would like to add to this list, please contact us or make a pull request.


Developed by Josiah Sinclair at the MIT-Harvard Center for Ultracold Atoms (CUA), this detailed step-by-step tutorial covers everything from installing python through running your shot. It uses regular python with the regular pip installation method. For hardware it assumes you have a PrawnBlaster, a NI DAQ with analog outputs, and an oscilloscope.