Documentation Resources

A list of links to relevant resources used by our sphinx configuration.

Relevant Sphinx Docs

  • autodoc Extension

    • Used extensively to automatically introspect the API documentation.

  • autosummary Extension

    • Used to automatically generate stubs for the API documentation for all modules except labscript-devices.

  • intersphinx Extension

    • Used to generate cross references between repositories. The cross-reference syntax is described better here.

  • sphinx-apidoc

    • Used in labscript-devices to generate stubs for the NI-DAQmx models subclasses.

Syntax Cheatsheets

  • Read the Docs Example project

    • Shows a built project that uses many rst and sphinx features. Go to the associated github repo to see the source that produces it.

  • Google-style Docstring Example

    • Example that contains most of the syntax necessary to write docstrings.


      You must follow this syntax for correctly formatted docstrings.

  • RST cheatsheet

    • Cheatsheet for RST directives, with a focus on use with Sphinx.

  • A ReStructuredText Primer

    • Authoritative summary reference for full RST sytanx.